Monday, October 5, 2015

Quote daily

Quote of the night:

"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." Philippians 2:3-4.

 I'm sure some of my readers aren't huge on Jesus or the Bible, but this quote, I believe, should be beautiful to anyone, no matter the religious beliefs.  This quote is simply saying 'think of others'.  Isn't that just wonderful? Shouldn't you care for others before yourself?  Having this characterization of yourself just makes you an outstanding person. When you start caring more for others you will become a major role model, a significant leader, and an amazing friend in general to everyone.  This is one of my favorite quotes of the Bible because it's a constant reminder to myself to not be overwhelmed with what good things I do, but to focus on doing good things for people for their benefit and for me to feel good on the inside about it and not share it to the world. Because in my beliefs, I will be rewarded for all of my good deeds when I arrive in heaven. 

On the lighter side:
I've done many new projects! I am hoping to load them up tomorrow and explain what I have done. I have picked, cleaned, and cooked acorns to use for decoration! I have made many cute decorations and hoping to make many more! Bring on the fall!
Love all of my readers and I hope you enjoy this season as much as I do! Also I am on fall break so I'm hoping to create more things and be able to write to you all much more!

L o V E,

a L L i e

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