Friday, October 2, 2015

Quote daily

Daily Quote:
 The moments we live in today and the moments we live in tomorrow will never be the same. 

This quote hits home tonight because tonight we had a football game against a pretty tough team. They have been in our district since I can remember (my dad has coached football since way before I was born, so I have been blessed to have been raised in such an amazing sport) They were equally good as us, and we had a really bad brawl against them last year, so much so many fans were thrown out last year and the security was increased tonight.  We unfortunately lost by 14 points (2 touchdowns) but we held our own and nobody scored until the 4th quarter.  It was a hard loss but I hope all of our boys realize something about this quote, that even if the moment at the time seems rough, just know you will never be in that moment ever again and you need to make the best of every moment, good or bad. Many of my readers can learn from this quote, life is a struggle but it must also continue, if you never leave a moment in its tracks, how can you move forward to becoming bigger and better things? That's the thing, you don't. So readers please take a moment and ponder this thought until you think that it has helped you in anyway. Thank you so much for reading, I'm sorry the post is on the verge of being forgotten but I promise if I will never forget my readers!

~A L L I E (;


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