Saturday, October 10, 2015

DIY: Indian Corn Wreath

Isn't it just gorgeous? I love adding fall colors together with burlap. (But then again fall has always been my fav season)
Anyways, its quite simple. I bought corn, bought some burlap (a roll got me through with some left over!), and got a WIRE wreath. I'm gonna say from the get go, HOT GLUE GUN. Please have one because this calls for plenty of it.

Here is the supplies and directions (don't rush)
My fails and lessons:
So from this project I've learned you always use a wire wreath. (It's sturdy and won't fall off your door... as well as take plenty of teeth out of the corn...) as well as be sure to wrap burlap around the wreath and glue it down about every 2-3 wrap arounds otherwise the burlap may just sag due to the heavy corn, (go figure) and be sure to be careful around the hot glue gun, the contents are hot and you may burn your thumb and have a big white whelp on it... (hmm..) And lastly, have patience and your wreath will be gorgeous in no time.

  • Burlap (one roll gave me enough with plenty extra)
  • Indian Corn (I did about 15 and had 4 to save, but that is completely up to how much burlap you want showing through the wreath, I wanted a little but not a lot.)
  • WIRE wreath. ( I can't tell you how heavy that corn will be on that wreath, so please, make sure your foundation-whatever wreath you choose to use- is going to be sturdy enough to hold it)
  • Hot glue gun
  • ATLEAST 4-5 glue sticks (I know- a lot)

  1. I started out by wrapping some burlap all around my wire wreath, and glued it at the end, but learn from my mistakes and glue ever so often to make sure the burlap does not sag when it is hung up on your door.
  2. once you hot glued the burlap around the wire move your corn around and see where you want certain colors and where you want what, being SURE to leave a nice gab at the top where your gorgeous burlap bow will go. (as well where your wreath holder will slide through)
  3. Make sure you have a evenly spaced circle so that all the points of the corn are making a perfect circle in the middle
  4. once you figured our your color pattern grab one corn at a time and glue from the tip of the corn to the butt of the corn (NOT THE HUSK) and quickly press it onto the wreath and do that for all the corn.
  5. disperse the husks so they fan out
  6. If you have a medium-small sized front door like me you may want to cut the husks down fairly well so that it will fit on the door.
  7. Tie your pretty bow!
  8. hang it up!
  9. and now, Admire your work of art.
Thanks for reading lovelies! have fun crafting and can't wait to hear about your wreaths!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Quote daily

Quote of the night:

"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." Philippians 2:3-4.

 I'm sure some of my readers aren't huge on Jesus or the Bible, but this quote, I believe, should be beautiful to anyone, no matter the religious beliefs.  This quote is simply saying 'think of others'.  Isn't that just wonderful? Shouldn't you care for others before yourself?  Having this characterization of yourself just makes you an outstanding person. When you start caring more for others you will become a major role model, a significant leader, and an amazing friend in general to everyone.  This is one of my favorite quotes of the Bible because it's a constant reminder to myself to not be overwhelmed with what good things I do, but to focus on doing good things for people for their benefit and for me to feel good on the inside about it and not share it to the world. Because in my beliefs, I will be rewarded for all of my good deeds when I arrive in heaven. 

On the lighter side:
I've done many new projects! I am hoping to load them up tomorrow and explain what I have done. I have picked, cleaned, and cooked acorns to use for decoration! I have made many cute decorations and hoping to make many more! Bring on the fall!
Love all of my readers and I hope you enjoy this season as much as I do! Also I am on fall break so I'm hoping to create more things and be able to write to you all much more!

L o V E,

a L L i e

Friday, October 2, 2015

Quote daily

Daily Quote:
 The moments we live in today and the moments we live in tomorrow will never be the same. 

This quote hits home tonight because tonight we had a football game against a pretty tough team. They have been in our district since I can remember (my dad has coached football since way before I was born, so I have been blessed to have been raised in such an amazing sport) They were equally good as us, and we had a really bad brawl against them last year, so much so many fans were thrown out last year and the security was increased tonight.  We unfortunately lost by 14 points (2 touchdowns) but we held our own and nobody scored until the 4th quarter.  It was a hard loss but I hope all of our boys realize something about this quote, that even if the moment at the time seems rough, just know you will never be in that moment ever again and you need to make the best of every moment, good or bad. Many of my readers can learn from this quote, life is a struggle but it must also continue, if you never leave a moment in its tracks, how can you move forward to becoming bigger and better things? That's the thing, you don't. So readers please take a moment and ponder this thought until you think that it has helped you in anyway. Thank you so much for reading, I'm sorry the post is on the verge of being forgotten but I promise if I will never forget my readers!

~A L L I E (;


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Quote of the day: (I remembered) The success of one is the inspiration of another. This is just an FYI to all of those out there who are successful! YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION! be the light out there and keep people moving! you never know what you might mean to someone and you could be their role model. Be the shining light for those out there in the dark. The world out there is scary and people need a light (even I need a night light). Always make sure people are inspired and give them something that they can look up  too, be the best you can be, but don't be afraid to fall, because set backs are a learning experience that help you grow in life! But always remember, Be the light!!

Love you guys!
My tutorials will be starting to go up coming next week!
- a l l i e : )